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Sourate 108 - Coran 12-21. Traductions du Coran en Europe, XIIe-XXIe siècles - Sourate s108

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Witness List

  • Witness caire:
  • Witness hamidullah:
  • Witness blachere:
  • Witness arberry:
  • Witness pickthall:
  • Witness sale:
  • Witness postnikov:
  • Witness marracci:
  • Witness duryer:
  • Witness arrivabene:
  • Witness bibliander:
  • Witness jalalayn:

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  • Structuration des données (TEI) Paul Gaillardon, Maud Ingarao (Pôle HN IHRIM)
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À faire.

Éd. du Caire, 1924Contexte
سورة الكوثر
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
إِنَّا أَعْطَيْنَاكَ الْكَوْثَرَ
فَصَلِّ لِرَبِّكَ وَانْحَرْ
إِنَّ شَانِئَكَ هُوَ الْأَبْتَرُ
Hamidullah révisée, 2000Contexte
L’abondance (Al-Kawtar)
Nous t’avons certes, accordé l’Abondance.
Accomplis la Salât pour ton Seigneur et sacrifie.
Celui qui te hait sera certes, sans postérité.
Blachère, 1957Contexte
Sourate CVIII.
Propos liminaire du traducteur
Titre tiré du vt. 1.
Versets de 9 syllabes sur rime ar.
Au nom d’Allah, le Bienfaiteur miséricordieux.
En vérité, Nous t’avons donné l’Abondance.
Note [édition originale] : al-Kawṯar « l’Abondance ». Ce thème, d’un emploi rare, est une épithète substantivée. Ce sens est nettement senti par tous les commt., mais la Tradition (cf. Buh) prétend que ce terme désigne un des fleuves du Paradis.
    Prie donc en l’honneur de ton Seigneur et sacrifie !
    En vérité, celui qui te hait se trouve être le Déshérité !
    Note [édition originale] : al-’abtaru « le Déshérité ». Traduction approchée.
      Arberry, 1955Contexte
      In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
      Surely We have given thee abundance;
      so pray unto thy Lord and sacrifice.
      Surely he that hates thee, he is the one cut off.
      Pitckthall, 1930Contexte
      Revealed at Mecca
      In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
      Lo! We have given thee Abundance;
      So pray unto thy Lord, and sacrifice.
      Lo! it is thy insulter (and not thou) who is without posterity.
      Sale, 1734Contexte
      CHAP. CVIII.
      Intitled, Al Cawthar; revealed at Mecca
      Note [édition originale] : There are some, however, who think it to have been revealed at Medina.
        In the name of the most merciful God.
        VERILY we have given thee AL CAWTHAR.
        Note [édition originale] : Al Cawthar;] This word signifies abundance, especially of good, and thence the gift of wisdom and prophecy, the Korân, the office of intercessor, &c. Or it may imply abundance of children, followers, and the like. It is generally, however, expounded of a river in paradise of that name, whence the water is derived into Mohammed’s pond, of which the blessed are to drink before their admission into that place1. According to a tradition of the prophet’s, this river, wherein his Lord promised him abundant good, is sweeter than honey, whiter than milk, cooler than snow, and smoother than cream; its banks are of chrysolites, and the vessels to drink thereout of silver; and those who drink of it shall never thirst1.
        Euthymius Zigabenus, instead of Cauthar, reading Canthar, supposes the word to have the same signification in Arabic as in Greek, and translates the two first verses of the chapter thus: [Greek text], i.e. We have given thee the beetle; wherefore pray unto thy Lord, and slay it; and then he cries out, O wonderful and magnificent sacrifice, worthy of the legislator!
        • 1 See the Prelim. Disc. §. IV. p. 95.
        • 1 Al Beidawi, Jallal. &c.
        Wherefore pray unto
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        thy Lord; and slay the victims
        Note [édition originale] : Pray unto thy Lord, and slay the victims;] Which are to be sacrificed at the pilgrimage in the valley of Mina. Al Beidawi explains the words thus: Pray with fervency and intense devotion, not out of hypocrisy; and slay the fatted camels and oxen, and distribute the flesh among the poor: for he says this chapter is the counterpart of the preceding, exhorting to those virtues which are opposite to the vices there condemned.
          Verily he who hateth thee shall be childless
          Note [édition originale] : He who hateth thee, shall be childless;] These words were revealed against al As Ebn Wayel, who, on the death of al Kâsem, Mohammed’s son, called that prophet Abtar, which signifies one who has no children, or posterity 2.
          • 2 In Panoplia dogmat. inter Sylburgii Saracenic. p. 29.
          Postnikov ?, 1716Contexte
          Во имя бога щедраго, и милостиваго.
          Дахом ти превелие изобилие от милости нашеи.
          Проси Господа твоего, вознеси руце твои.
          аще кто тя возненавидит, пребудет в злощастии.
          Marracci, 1698Contexte

          SURA CVIII.
          MECCANA :
          1.  Nos certè dedimus tibi Kauther.
          2.  Ora ergo ad Dominum tuum, & jugula.
          3.  Porrò odio habens te, ipse erit excisus.
          Note [édition originale] : NOTÆ.
          Quamvis Sura Meccana ponatur : multi tamen volunt, esse Medinensem. Lectori pręmium hujusmodi promittitur : من قراء سورة الكوثر سقاه الله من كل نهر له في الجنة وتكعب له عشر حسنات بعدد كل قربان قرّبه العباد في يوم النحر Qui legerit Suram Kauther, potabit illum Deus ex omnibus fluviis, quos habet in Paradiso, & adscribentur illi decem bona pro numero singularum oblationum, quæ fient à fidelibus in die jugulationis, seu mactationis pecorum, quæ fit decima die Mensis Dulhoggiæ.
          I.  Kauther. ] Expositores longas contexunt nugas circa hoc nomen, expiscantes in Prophetæ sui ineptiis mysteria. Gelal putat, Kauther esse, نهر في الجنة هو حوضه ترد عليه امّته والكوثر الخير الكثير من النبوة والقران والشفاعة ونحوها fluvium in Paradiso, qui efficit piscinam Mahumeti, ad quam descendet bibitura gens ejus. Et addit : Significat etiam hæc vox Kauther bonum multum, nempè prophetiam, Alcoranum, officium intercessoris, & alia hujusmodi à Deo Mahumeto collata. Beidavius ex traditione ipsius Mahumeti eodem modo affirmat, Kauther esse فهو في الجنة فيه خير كثير احلى من العسل وابيض من اللبن وابرد من الثلج والين من الزبد حافتاه الزبرجد واوانيه من فضّة لا يطما من شرب منها وقيل حوض فيها وقيل اولاده واتباعه او علماء امّته او القران fluvium in Paradiso, in quo est bonum multum ; dulciorem melle, candidiorem lacte, frigidiorem nive, & molliorem spuma : cujus oræ sunt chrysolithus : vasa verò ejus (in quibus scilicet bibent Paradisicolæ ejus aquam) ex argento (Addit Zamchascerius, hæc vasa, seu cyathos tot fore, quot نجوم السماء stellas Cęli ) Non sitiet, qui biberit ex eo. Alii dicunt, esse piscinam in Paradiso : alii filios Mahumeti, & asseclas ejus, vel Doctores gentis ejus, vel Alcoranum, Vah ineptias !
          II.  Jugula. ] Nimirùm oves, seu pecudes illas, quas immolare solent, qui ad Meccam peregrini proficiscuntur in valle Mina die constituto. De quo ritu vide alibi, quæ scripsi. Significat autem نحر , non solùm jugulare  ; sed etiam erectum stare, & manus elevare, seu dextram super sinistram componere in orando.
          III.  Porrò odio habens te. ] Gelal : نزل في العاص بن وايل سمي النبي ص ابتر عند موت ابنه الفاسم ع م  : dictum fuit hoc contra Alas filium Vail, qui, cùm mortuus esset Alcasem filius Mahumeti, vocaverat eundem Mahumetum excisum  ; nempè filiis, & posteritate orbatum. Quod malum nunc eidem Alaso ariolatur, ut par pari rependat.
            Note [édition originale] : REFUTATIONES.
            I. Cum communis Expositorum Mahumetanorum sensus sit, Kauther esse fluvium, vel piscinam, quam Deus in Paradiso Mahumeto donavit : manifestè patet, quàm hebes, & quodammodò pecuinus fuerit Mahumetus, qui non aliam sibi in futuro sæculo felicitatem proposuerit, quàm piscinam aquarum, quamvis mole dulciorum, lacte candidiorum, nive frigidiorum, & spuma molliorum : quamvis hujusmodi piscina pretiosis lapidibus ambiatur, quamvis tot habeat argentea vasa ad usum bibentium, quot stellæ in Cœlo reperiuntur ; nihil enim horum ad æternam, ac Summam felicitatem, & ne ad temporalem quidem, & mediocrem potest pertinere.
            II. Dùm fingit, juberi se à Deo, pecudes jugulare : lanionem se esse tantummodò profitetur. Etenim ovium illam stragem, quam in Valle Mina peregrini faciunt tempore peregrinationis Meccanæ, nequaquam sacrificium esse, Mahumetani ipsi fatentur. Vide Prodromum p. 4. cap. 17. pag. 41. Quòd si etiam verum sacrificium esse vellent, Mosaicos ritus à Christo sublatos, nonnisi superstitiosè, atque inaniter revocarent.
            III. Vix Sura aliqua reperitur, in qua Mahumetus aliquem adversariorum suorum non laceret, aut mordeat : quemadmodùm hìc Alasum, cui contumeliam pro contumelia rependit.
              Du Ryer, 1647Contexte
              contenant trois versets, escrit
              à la Meque.
              AU nom de Dieu clement & misericordieux.
              Nous t’avons donné une grande affluence de nos graces.
              Prie ton Seigneur, esleve tes mains,
              celuy qui te haïra sera mal-heureux.
              Arrivabene, 1547Contexte
              In nome di Dio misericordioso, e Pio. CAPITOLO XC.
              Note [édition originale] : Tiene Macomet. che Iddio non ci voglia altro che orationi, e sacrifici, preferendogli alla carita del prossimo.
              • [C]
              TI HABBIAMO gia preparato in Paradiso una fonte .
              Fa dunque oratione in presenza di Dio, & immola al suo nome,
              il tuo nimico manchera d’aiuto, e di prole.
              Bibliander, 1550Contexte
              AZOARA CXVIII.
              In n. etc.
              Tibi iam fontem in paradiso praeparauimus.
              Orationem igitur
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              coram Deo funde, ipsique suppliciter immola.
              Tuus enim hostis adiutoribus proleque carebit.
              Al-Ǧalālayn, 1465-6Contexte
              سورة الكوثر
              «إنا أعطيناك» يا محمد «الكوثر» هو نهر في الجنة هو حوضه ترد عليه أمته، والكوثر: الخير الكثير من النبوَّة والقرآن والشفاعة ونحوها.
              «فصلِّ لربك» صلاة عيد النحر «وانحر» نسكك.
              «إن شانئك» أي مُبغضك «هو الأبتر» المنقطع عن كل خير، أو المنقطع العقب، نزلت في العاص بن وائل سمى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أبتر عند موت ابنه القاسم.
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